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Solutions to the Global Waste Plastic Crisis - Pyrolysis Technology

Publish Time: 2022-12-15     Origin: Site

Since China rejected 24 types of "foreign garbage" in 2018, China's foreign garbage imports have plummeted by 99.1%, and many Western countries have "exploded their garbage". Southeast Asian countries have become the preferred place for "foreign garbage".

Data show that in the first seven months of 2018 alone, Malaysia imported as much as 456,000 tons of plastic waste from the United States, the United Kingdom and other sources of "foreign garbage". That's almost equal to the two years of 2016 and 2017 combined. To this end, the Malaysian federal government had to urgently shut down 140 factories involved in the import and disposal of illegally imported garbage, and asked state environmental bureaus to set up special teams to continue to crack down on "foreign garbage" and illegal factories in the state.

The Philippines is also deeply affected. Some time ago, the president proposed not to accept Canadian garbage anymore. In the first half of 2018, half of the plastic waste exported from the United States went to Thailand, totaling more than 91,500 tons. That's 20 times more than in 2017. Thailand subsequently announced that it would stop importing 432 types of e-waste within 6 months.

According to Greenpeace, UK plastic waste exports to Vietnam increased by 51% in the first four months of 2018. UK exports to Malaysia have more than doubled. Many importers in Southeast Asia have taken a large number of orders without realizing these restrictions, resulting in a large number of scrap products being stranded in these countries pending permits.

Due to the lack of waste disposal capacity and the ecological damage caused by waste, countries are now considering banning further recycling, as they are also facing imminent overload.

To solve the current dilemma, it is not a question of who recycles. If you want a green ecological environment, you must learn how to recycle and dispose of garbage and start to reduce garbage at the source. Countries around the world need to start reducing waste plastic from themselves. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, more than 60 countries have imposed restrictions on the use of single-use plastics. For the inevitable generation of plastic waste and the plastic waste that has been generated and accumulated, as far as possible, recycling, reduction, and harmless treatment should be carried out. 

Chemical recycling, as an emerging technology for the treatment of plastic waste, is placed in an important position by various countries. In this regard, China has unique technological accumulation and development potential. Niutech Environment Technology Corporation mastered the world's cutting-edge technology.  Industrial continuous waste plastic pyrolysis equipment has been used in dozens of countries and regions around the world. In the face of complex composition of urban plastic waste and low-value waste plastics, the performance of waste plastic pyrolysis machine are more excellent. The pyrolysis rate can up to 99.5%. PLC smart control system only requires few operators. In the world environmental protection field, pyrolysis machine has played a good promotion effect.

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