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China's Green Development In The New Era & Pyrolysis Technology

Publish Time: 2023-02-01     Origin: Site

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of the ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, China has adhered to the concept of green development that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority and green development, and promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development , build a modernization where man and nature live in harmony, and create a world-renowned ecological miracle and a miracle of green development.

China has achieved outstanding results in land ecological protection and restoration, green industry planning and development, implementation of green production methods, promotion of green lifestyles, construction of green development mechanisms, and global green development contributions, and the construction of beautiful China has taken significant steps forward. Green has become the distinctive background color of China in the new era. Green development has become a prominent feature of Chinese-style modernization. The vast Chinese land has a bluer sky, greener mountains, clearer water.

Green is a symbol of life and the background color of nature. Green development is development that conforms to nature and promotes harmonious coexistence between people and nature. Sustainable development is the development that achieves the greatest economic and social benefits at the least cost of resources and environment, and is a kind of high-quality and sustainable development. The Chinese nation respects and protects nature, advocating the "unity of heaven and man". Since the reform and opening up, China has established resource conservation and environmental protection as a basic national policy, established sustainable development as a national strategy, and vigorously promoted the construction of socialist ecological civilization.

As the world's largest developing country, China upholds the concept of community of human destiny, firmly practices multilateralism, proposes global development initiatives and global security initiatives, deepens practical cooperation. Meanwhile, China actively participates in global environmental and climate governance, and contributes Chinese wisdom and power to the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, promoting global sustainable development, jointly building a community of life for people and nature. We believe that with global efforts, we will build a prosperous, clean and beautiful world together in the future.

Niutech provides industrial continuous pyrolysis technology and equipment to the world. It mainly solves the problems of resource disposal and recycling of solid waste, hazardous waste, waste plastics, waste tires, oil sludge and so on. The whole set of pyrolysis equipment is environmentally safe, continuous operation, durable and stable. It has been successfully verified by more than 20 national environmental protection projects around the world after 30 years of technological exploration and development.

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