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Spilling Oil Can Be Restored By Niutech’s Pyrolysis Technology And Equipment

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-10-29      Origin: Site

The petroleum is one of the main energy sources in the world, which is called the "Black Gold" and "economic blood" of the economy and entire society. The development and utilization of petroleum make a large number of petroleum and petroleum products enter into the natural ecological environment, which causes the serious pollution to the ecological environment.

There are millions of tons of petroleum entering into the sea each year, and one ton petroleum can form an oil film that covers the 12km2 area. This will seriously affect the survival of marine life if not be treated in time. The oil spilling accidents occurs frequently in the world, not only waste the resource but also affect the circulation of biological chain, causing the erosion and destruction to the coastline.

oil spillage

The coastline polluted by oil spillage on sea (Source of information: OILED SHORELINE CLEANUP MANUAL)

Except for the oil spillage at sea, oil exploitation, discharge of oily sewage, ballast oily water, washing water, etc. of engine room or oil tanker will flow into the sea and cause the pollution, and further damage to the coastline. The problems of coastline pollution has troubled many countries and regions in Europe,Asia,America,etc. for many years. At present, there are lots of non-profit organizations and volunteers in Europe and American to clean up the coastline polluted by the spilling oil. However, facing the long and wide coastline, all these efforts from organizations and volunteers are far from enough.

volunteers clean up oil spilling

    Volunteers clean up the oil sludge

The current treatments for the coastline oil spilling are following: the less polluted area is normally treated onsite with transferring, the sand or dirt with heavy pollution is usually collected and centrally treated.  At present, oil sludge of coastline also has some certain resource properties except for its properties of hazardous wastes, the main current disposal methods at present are landfill, absorption, biodegradation, chemical treatment, etc.

The landfill will not only occupy a lot of land but also can not be treated thoroughly, which waste a lot of petroleum resources. The adsorption method generally adopts polypropylene or polyurethane synthetic as absorbent, of which waterproof properties and oleophilic  properties are all good, but the biggest disadvantage is that it can not be biodegraded after using. 

At present, the general method of biodegradation includes oil removal by yeast and oil decomposition by microorganisms, the bacterial are greatly influenced by the environmental factors, the sunshine can kill the bacterial, the osmotic pressure can destroy the cell walls of bacterial. The decomposition for the petroleum by microorganisms can obtain the carbon dioxide and water, but the disposal rate is only approx. 70%.

The chemical methods include the burning method, chemical agent, pyrolysis, etc. The burning method refers to burning by sprinkling chemicals to ignite or assist combustion, the treatment cost is low, but it can not be treated thoroughly and the exhaust smoke will pollute the atmosphere, which cause the waste of resource.  The chemical agent methods refers to use the oil treatment agent to remove or solidify the oil components in the oil sludge, then be further treated, the common oil treatment agents are dispersant, coagulant, etc., but due to the compositions of coastline oil sludge is complex, the treatment is not thorough and it need to be further processed to realize the resource utilization.

 The oil sludge treatment technology and equipment in China has been helping restore the coastline

Industrial Continuous Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Production Line is independently researched and developed by Niutech from China can process different kinds of oil sludge such as the oil field sludge, oil refinery sludge, oil contaminated waste, landing sludge, coastline oil pollutants, etc.,. After pyrolysis treating, pyrolysis oil and recovered soil (sand) can be obtained. The pyrolysis oil can be directly used as resources, the oil content of recovered soil(sand) is less than 3‰. If required, the oil content can be controlled less than 0.05%.


For Niutech pyrolysis production line, the disposal rate of oil sludge is more than 99%, and it is no need to separate the stones, plastic pollutants, biomass and organic matter, which can be directly treated by Niutech pyrolysis production line. This oil sludge disposal plant can realize the maximum reduction, harmless disposal and resource utilization for the oily sludge and pollutants and it can be used to process the oil sludge and pollutants of coastline with wide distribution range and complex compositions, which is the great technology and solution worth to promote.

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